It was Ana's idea. Yes, I'm not going to blame it on myself, or global warming, or Mexico's insecurity crisis, or the World Cup. It was all Ana's idea. Yes, it was her idea to write about how Luis Perez (me) deals with Luca (2 years and a half old kid ) and Didi (10 months old girl) in New Zealand.
Like any other "blogger", let me tell you something about myself, and lets do it using bullets, just like I used to do it back in my corporate communication job in Mexico:
- Born in the Eastern coast of Mexico on the 22nd of May of 1981.
- Average looking Mexican (decently hot outside of Mexico).
- Currently studying a Master Degree in International Relations and Human Rights at the U of Auckland.
- Worked for the corporate communication unit in a multinational cement company in Mexico for 4 years.
- Generally nice open minded Mexican, with a sarcastic sense of humour and very used to being nagged by women since I was born.
Well, that's me, and the following texts were written as a result of my every day experiences and activities with Ana and her two kids. These two kids that I've learnt to love and protect as my own.
The title of this blog is obviously the result of being single while wandering around New Zealand holding any of these two kids in my arms. Believe me, this situation have changed my perspective about parenting and children in general.
(text revised and edited by certified kiwis)
hehe, well done Perez